
The following are basic usage examples for commands, the command options and the CommandEvent. Please note that, in each of these examples, the value returned from commandEvent.getSender() is always a player.

Command Options

This example contains a command in which all command option specifications have been filled.

plugin.addCommand({name="command", description="Execute the command /command", usage="/command", permission="commands.command", permissionMessage="You cannot execute /command", maxArgs=0, minArgs=0, runAsync=false}, function(commandEvent)
    commandEvent.getSender():sendMessage("You executed /" .. commandEvent.getCommand());


This example contains a command that requires arguments to be specified from the player. The list of arguments is returned when calling commandEvent.getArgs() and thus we can use [1] to get the first argument that was specified.

plugin.addCommand({name="command", description="Execute the command /command", usage="/command <message>", minArgs=1}, function(commandEvent)
    commandEvent.getSender():sendMessage("You executed /" .. commandEvent.getCommand() .. " with the message: " .. commandEvent.getArgs()[1])

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